Grid Overview

The Basics

The gird is mobile-first. Code for small screens first, and larger devices will inherit those styles. Customize for larger screens as necessary.
  • Start by adding an element with a class of .row. This will create a horizontal block to contain vertical columns.

  • Then add elements with a .column class within that row. You can use .column or .columns - the only difference is grammar.

  • Specify the widths of each column with the .small-#, .medium-#, and .large-# classes.

PX to REM Converter

When possible, use the rem and em units to size everything. Not just font size, but also padding, margins, and any length value. This ensures that your design scales up and down uniformly if the user changes their browser's text size. It's common for vision-impaired users to resize their browser up to 200% zoom.

Be sure to utilize the built-in rem-calc() function in any AutoZone Pro SASS File to help you convert one or more pixel values to correct rem values. You're welcome!
.az-element {
    width: rem-calc(300px);
    height: rem-calc(200px);
    padding: rem-calc(20px);
    background-color: $light-gray;
    border: $base-border-style;
.az-element {
    width: 18.75rem;
    height: 12.5rem;
    padding: 1.25rem;
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    border: 0.0625rem solid #c4c4c4;
Example Conversion

rem-calc(200px) = 12.5rem


You can declare any number of breakpoints that can be set to any value but it must be declared in the $breakpoint-classes variable in order to be used.
  • There are three basic $breakpoints which include: .small, .medium, and .large

  • The breakpoints are defined in the _settings.scss file and the screen size for each are listed below.

  • These are the default settings but can be changed by editing the $breakpoints variable.

Breakpoint Class Screen Width - @media screen and (min-width)
.small 0px
.medium 640px / (40em)
.large 1024px / (64em)
.xlarge (max-width) 1200px / (75em)
$breakpoints: (
  small: 0,
  medium: 640px,
  large: 1024px,
  xlarge: 1200px,
$breakpoint-classes: (small medium large);


To add more gutter definitions, add new lines to the map. The breakpoint names used here must match a breakpoint name in your project's $breakpoints map.
  • The grid gutter - the space between two columns in a row, and the space between the edge of a grid and the edge of the page - is responsive, and becomes wider on larger screens.

  • These are the default settings but can be changed by editing the $grid-column-gutter variable.

Breakpoint Gutter Size
.small 20px
.medium 30px
$grid-column-gutter: (
  small: 20px,
  medium: 30px,

How to Use

Using the grid is simple. Here's an example of what your code will look when you use a series of <div> tags to create vertical columns.

<div class="row">
    <div class="small-1 columns">1</div>
    <div class="small-11 columns">11</div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="small-2 columns">2</div>
    <div class="small-10 columns">10</div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="small-3 columns">3</div>
    <div class="small-9 columns">9</div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="small-4 columns">4</div>
    <div class="small-8 columns">8</div>

Nesting Columns

You can nest columns down as far as you'd like. Just embed rows inside columns and go from there. Each embedded row can contain up to 12 columns.

<div class="row">
  <div class="small-8 columns">8
    <div class="row">
      <div class="small-8 columns">8 Nested
        <div class="row">
          <div class="small-8 columns">8 Nested Again</div>
          <div class="small-4 columns">4</div>
      <div class="small-4 columns">4</div>
  <div class="small-4 columns">4</div>
8 Nested
8 Nested Again

Small Grid

As you've probably noticed in the examples above, you have access to a small, medium, and large grid. If you know that your grid structure will be the same for small devices as it will be on large devices, just use the small grid. You can override your small grid classes by adding medium or large grid classes.

<div class="row">
  <div class="small-2 columns">small-2</div>
  <div class="small-10 columns">small-10</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-3 columns">small-3</div>
  <div class="small-9 columns">small-9</div>

Medium Grid

Only declaring a .medium grid class will default to 12 columns on small screens.

<div class="row">
  <div class="medium-3 columns">small-12 / medium-3</div>
  <div class="medium-9 columns">small-12 / medium-9</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="medium-4 columns">small-12 / medium-4</div>
  <div class="medium-8 columns">small-12 / medium-8</div>
small-12 / medium-3
small-12 / medium-9
small-12 / medium-4
small-12 / medium-8

Large Grid

Only declaring a .large grid class will default to 12 columns on small and medium screens.

<div class="row">
  <div class="large-4 columns">small-12 / medium-12 / large-4</div>
  <div class="large-8 columns">small-12 / medium-12 / large-8</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-5 columns">small-12 / medium-12 / large-5</div>
  <div class="large-7 columns">small-12 / medium-12 / large-7</div>
small-12 / medium-12 / large-4
small-12 / medium-12 / large-8
small-12 / medium-12 / large-5
small-12 / medium-12 / large-7

Mixed Grid

Scale the browser down to see the difference.
Example creates different column widths at .small .medium and .large screen sizes.
  • Putting all together, we can create a very unique grid structure that will allow content to respond any screen size.
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-4 medium-6 columns">small-12 / medium-6 / large-4</div>
  <div class="large-8 medium-6 columns">small-12 / medium-6 / large-8</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-5 medium-8 columns">small-12 / medium-8 / large-5</div>
  <div class="large-7 medium-4 columns">small-12 / medium-4 / large-7</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-4 medium-6 small-7 columns">small-7 / medium-6 / large-4</div>
  <div class="large-8 medium-6 small-5 columns">small-5 / medium-6 / large-8</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-5 medium-4 small-6 columns">small-6 / medium-4 / large-5</div>
  <div class="large-7 medium-8 small-6 columns">small-6 / medium-8 / large-7</div>
small-12 / medium-6 / large-4
small-12 / medium-6 / large-8
small-12 / medium-8 / large-5
small-12 / medium-4 / large-7
small-7 / medium-6 / large-9
small-5 / medium-6 / large-3
small-6 / medium-4 / large-3
small-6 / medium-8 / large-9

Advanced Grid Sizing

Combined Column/Row

If you need a full-width column to use as a container, put the .column and .row classes on the same element. You can still nest more grids inside this container like usual.

Column rows can use sizing classes like .small-8, but only when it's a top-level container - not when nested inside another row.
<div class="column row">
  Column Row
Column Row


Move blocks up to 11 columns to the right by using classes like .large-offset-1 and .small-offset-3.

<div class="row">
  <div class="large-1 columns">1</div>
  <div class="large-11 columns">11</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-1 columns">1</div>
  <div class="large-10 large-offset-1 columns">10, offset 1</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-1 columns">1</div>
  <div class="large-9 large-offset-2 columns">9, offset 2</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="large-1 columns">1</div>
  <div class="large-8 large-offset-3 columns">8, offset 3</div>
10, offset 1
9, offset 2
8, offset 3

Centered Columns

Center your columns by adding a class of .small-centered to your column. Medium and large will inherit small centering by default.

You can also center or un-center columns per class by applying a .xxx-centered class or .xxx-uncentered class.
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-4 small-centered columns">4 centered</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-6 large-centered columns">6 centered</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-8 small-centered large-uncentered columns">8 centered</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-10 small-centered columns">10 centered</div>
4 centered
6 centered
8 centered
10 centered

Incomplete Rows

In order to work around browsers' different rounding behaviors, the grid will float the last column in a row to the right so the edge aligns.

If your row doesn't have a count that adds up to 12 columns, you can tag the last column with a class of .end in order to override that behavior.
<div class="row">
  <div class="medium-3 columns">3</div>
  <div class="medium-3 columns">3</div>
  <div class="medium-3 columns">3</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="medium-3 columns">3</div>
  <div class="medium-3 columns">3</div>
  <div class="medium-3 columns end">3 end</div>
3 end

Collapse/Uncollapse Rows

The .collapse class lets you remove column gutters (padding).

There are times when you won't want each media query to be collapsed or uncollapsed. In this case, use the media query size you want and collapse or uncollapse and add that to your row element.

<div class="row medium-collapse large-uncollapse">
  <div class="small-6 columns">...</div>
  <div class="small-6 columns">...</div>
Scale the browser down to see the difference.
Example retains the gutters on .small and .large screen sizes, and then removes the gutter on .medium screens.

On a small screen, I have gutters!

On a medium screen, I have gutters!

On a large screen, I have gutters!

On a small screen, I have gutters!

On a medium screen, I have no gutters!

On a large screen, I have gutters!

Block Grid

Add a class in the format of [size]-up-[n] to change the size of all columns within the row at a particular breakpoint class. By default, the max number of columns you can use with block grid are 8.

Example Block Grid Layout:
<div class="row small-up-1 medium-up-4 large-up-8">
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>
    <div class="columns">1</div>

Building A Symantic Grid

The grid structure includes a powerful set of SASS mixins, that allow you to build a custom semantic grid.

Leveraging the SASS mixins will help reduce the number of classes needed to build out the document structure, and will allow for more meaningful naming conventions. It will also help to ensure that all elements will adapt to global changes in the grid structure.


To include a grid .row class into an element, use the grid-row() mixin.

.example-container {
    @include grid-row;


To include a grid .columns class into an element, use the grid-column() mixin.

.example-container-inner {
    // Use a full-width column (12 of 12) 100%
    @include grid-column;

    // Use a default column count (4 of 12) 33.33%
    @include grid-column(4);

    // Use a custom column count (1 of 5) 20%
    @include grid-column(1 of 5);

    // Use a percentage (15%)
    @include grid-column(15%);
The grid-column mixin can also be used as a function. Which gives you a percentage value, without any of the grid column CSS.
.example-sidebar {
    // Outputs a percentage value of 25%
    width: grid-column(3 of 12);
To center a column semantically, use the grid-column-position(center); mixin.
.example-column-centered {
    @include grid-column-position(center);

Multiple Grids

By default, all grids use the number of columns set by the $grid-column-count variable. However, this can be selectively overridden within an instance of a row.

In this example, the grid is 16 columns instead of the normal 12. Any references to column calculations inside the mixin will use the new column count of 16.

.container {
    // Sets the column count to 16
    @include grid-row(16) {
        .sidebar {
            // 5/16 = 31.25%
            @include grid-column(5);
        .main-content {
            // 11/16 = 68.75%
            @include grid-column(11);

Putting It All Together

Nearly all grid variables can be used as a mixin. Pair them with the breakpoint() mixin to symanctically build a 100% responsive grid structure.

.main-content {
    // Sets grid structure for small screens
    @include grid-col;

    // Changes grid structure for medium and large screens
    @include breakpoint(medium) {
        // Changes the column size only
        @include grid-col-size(8);

        // Changes the position only
        @include grid-col-pos(4);

    // Changes grid structure for large screens
    @include breakpoint(large) {
        // Changes the column size only
        @include grid-col-size(10);


Below are the default color variables, which can be located in the _settings.scss file.


Primary Color


Warning Color


Alert Color


Success Color




Light Gray


Medium Gray


Dark Gray





Fonts utilizes the following font-families:

  • @Helvetica Neue (graphics/images) for headings and callouts.
  • @Urbano-ExtraBdCond (web-font) for headings, page titles, main navigation links, buttons, and call-outs.
  • @Arial for paragraphs, secondary links, sidebar navigation, etc.


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Headings are used to denote different sections of content, usually consisting of related paragraphs and other HTML elements. They range from h1 to h6 and should be styled in a clear hierarchy (i.e., largest to smallest). The style for all headings are balanced and sized along a modular scale.

Avoid skipping heading levels when structuring your document, as it confuses screen readers. For example, after using an <h2> in your code, the next heading used should be either <h2> or <h3>. If you need a heading to look bigger or smaller to match a specific style, use CSS to override the default size.

Header Sizes

Our framework includes two typographic scales - one uses a narrow range of sizes for small- and medium-sized screens, and the other uses a wider range of sizes for large-sized screens. You can change these scales, or add new ones for other breakpoints, by editing the $header-sizes map in the Settings File.

Header Default Large and up
<h1> 24px 48px
<h2> 20px 40px
<h3> 19px 31px
<h4> 18px 25px
<h5> 17px 20px
<h6> 16px 16px

h1. Heading Level 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.

h2. Heading Level 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.

h3. Heading Level 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.

h4. Heading Level 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.

h5. Heading Level 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.

h6. Heading Level 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic quibusdam ratione sunt dolorum, qui illo maxime doloremque accusantium cum libero eum, a optio odio placeat debitis ullam aut non distinctio.


Paragraphs are groups of sentences, each with a lead (first sentence) and transition (last sentence). They are block level elements, meaning they stack vertically when repeated. Use them as such.

Paragraphs are preset with a font size, line height and spacing to match the overall vertical rhythm. Use the <strong> and <em> tags to denote text that should be displayed or read with emphasis. Browsers will bold and italicize the words, while screen readers will read them with emphasis.

If the emphasis of a phrase is important, don't make the emphasis purely visual - use the <em> or <strong> tags to mark it as well. Both of these tags have built-in styles, but there's no harm in adding additional styles in specific contexts.


To use the icon set, add the prefix .azp class and the .azp_xxx class to an <i> element with "xxx" representing the icon name from the list below.

Example Code: <i class="azp azp_check-square"></i> Result:
General Icons

  • azp_account-overview

  • azp_availability

  • azp_availability-dashed

  • azp_az-icon

  • azp_bag

  • azp_bookmark

  • azp_bookmark-o

  • azp_calendar

  • azp_caret-down

  • azp_caret-left

  • azp_caret-right

  • azp_caret-top

  • azp_cart

  • azp_check

  • azp_check-circle

  • azp_check-circle-o

  • azp_check-square

  • azp_check-square-o

  • azp_chevron-circle-down

  • azp_chevron-circle-left

  • azp_chevron-circle-right

  • azp_chevron-circle-top

  • azp_chevron-down

  • azp_chevron-left

  • azp_chevron-right

  • azp_chevron-top

  • azp_close-circle

  • azp_close-circle-o

  • azp_close-square

  • azp_close-square-o

  • azp_cog

  • azp_contact

  • azp_csm-new-user

  • azp_csm-tools

  • azp_device

  • azp_dollar

  • azp_download

  • azp_email

  • azp_email-o

  • azp_error-caution

  • azp_error-warning

  • azp_estimate

  • azp_external-link

  • azp_filter

  • azp_grid

  • azp_home

  • azp_info

  • azp_info-o

  • azp_license-plate

  • azp_lightbulb

  • azp_list

  • azp_location-arrow

  • azp_lock

  • azp_unlock

  • azp_map-marker

  • azp_marketing-tool-bag

  • azp_menu

  • azp_minus-circle

  • azp_minus-circle-o

  • azp_minus-square

  • azp_minus-square-o

  • azp_monitor

  • azp_phone

  • azp_phone-square

  • azp_plus-circle

  • azp_plus-circle-o

  • azp_plus-square

  • azp_plus-square-o

  • azp_power

  • azp_print

  • azp_promo-zone

  • azp_question

  • azp_question-o

  • azp_quote

  • azp_quote-new

  • azp_quote-recent

  • azp_return-item

  • azp_search

  • azp_sliders

  • azp_sort

  • azp_sort-asc

  • azp_sort-desc

  • azp_sort-last-lookup

  • azp_star

  • azp_star-half

  • azp_star-half-o

  • azp_star-o

  • azp_tags

  • azp_toggle-down

  • azp_toggle-left

  • azp_toggle-right

  • azp_toggle-up

  • azp_toggle-on

  • azp_toggle-off

  • azp_trash

  • azp_trash-o

  • azp_user

  • azp_user-add

  • azp_user-delete

  • azp_vehicle

  • azp_vehicle-list

  • azp_web

Unordered Lists

Use a unordered list <ul> to list content where the order of the items does not matter.

<!-- default ul -->
    <li>Unordered content item</li>
    <li>Unordered content item</li>
    <li>Unordered content item</li>

<!-- ul.simple  -->
<ul class="simple">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- ul.with-arrows -->
<ul class="text-or-links with-arrows">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
Default UL
  • Ordered content item
  • Ordered content item
  • Ordered content item
Simple UL
  • Ordered content item
  • Ordered content item
  • Ordered content item
With Arrows UL

Ordered Lists

Use a ordered list <ol> to list content where the order of the items does matter.

<!-- default ol -->
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- ol.upper-alpha -->
<ol class="upper-alpha">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- ol.lower-alpha Styling -->
<ol class="lower-alpha">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
Default OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item
Upper-Alpha OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item
Lower-Alpha OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item

<!-- Circled Numeric ol Styling -->
<ol class="circled-numeric">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- Circled Numeric ol (Primary Color) Styling -->
<ol class="circled-numeric primary">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
Circled-Numeric OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item
Circled-Numeric OL (Primary Color)
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item

<!-- Circled Alpha Lower ol Styling -->
<ol class="circled-alpha-lower">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- Circled Alpha Lower ol (Primary Color) Styling -->
<ol class="circled-alpha-lower primary">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
Circled-Alpha OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item
Circled-Alpha OL (Primary Color)
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item

<!-- Circled Alpha Upper ol Styling -->
<ol class="circled-alpha-upper">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>

<!-- Circled Alpha Upper ol (Primary Color) Styling -->
<ol class="circled-alpha-upper primary">
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
    <li>Ordered content item</li>
Circled-Alpha OL
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item
Circled-Alpha OL (Primary Color)
  1. Ordered content item
  2. Ordered content item
  3. Ordered content item

Helper Classes

Class Name Description Result


Sets color attribute to #F37F00



Sets color attribute to #F26100



Sets color attribute to #D52B1E



Sets color attribute to #008300



Sets color attribute to #4278A0



Sets color attribute to #6C6F70



Use forms to allow users to interact with the site and provide information to the company.

How to Use

Make forms great and easy to use with the following rules:

  • Wrap checkboxes and radio buttons within labels for larger hit areas, and be sure to set the for, name, and id attributes for all applicable elements.
  • Place a series of checkboxes and radio buttons within a <ul class="inline-list">.
  • Before selecting any set of fields to use for a required input, explore other options (e.g., radio buttons over select lists).

Autofill Form Controls

For information on autofilling form controls via the autocomplete attribute, visit the following resource(s):

Field Name Meaning Canonical Format Canonical Format Example Control Group
"name" Full name Free-form text, no newlines Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA Text
"honorific-prefix" Prefix or title (e.g. "Mr.", "Ms.", "Dr.", "Mlle") Free-form text, no newlines Sir Text
"given-name" Given name (in some Western cultures, also known as the first name) Free-form text, no newlines Timothy Text
"additional-name" Additional names (in some Western cultures, also known as middle names, forenames other than the first name) Free-form text, no newlines John Text
"family-name" Family name (in some Western cultures, also known as the last name or surname) Free-form text, no newlines Berners-Lee Text
"honorific-suffix" Suffix (e.g. "Jr.", "B.Sc.", "MBASW", "II") Free-form text, no newlines OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA Text
"nickname" Nickname, screen name, handle: a typically short name used instead of the full name Free-form text, no newlines Tim Text
"organization-title" Job title (e.g. "Software Engineer", "Senior Vice President", "Deputy Managing Director") Free-form text, no newlines Professor Text
"username" A username Free-form text, no newlines timbl Text
"new-password" A new password (e.g. when creating an account or changing a password) Free-form text, no newlines GUMFXbadyrS3 Password
"current-password" The current password for the account identified by the username field (e.g. when logging in) Free-form text, no newlines qwerty Password
"organization" Company name corresponding to the person, address, or contact information in the other fields associated with this field Free-form text, no newlines World Wide Web Consortium Text
"street-address" Street address (multiple lines, newlines preserved) Free-form text 32 Vassar Street
MIT Room 32-G524
"address-line1" Street address (one line per field) Free-form text, no newlines 32 Vassar Street Text
"address-line2" Free-form text, no newlines MIT Room 32-G524 Text
"address-line3" Free-form text, no newlines Text
"address-level4" The most fine-grained administrative level, in addresses with four administrative levels Free-form text, no newlines Text
"address-level3" The third administrative level, in addresses with three or more administrative levels Free-form text, no newlines Text
"address-level2" The second administrative level, in addresses with two or more administrative levels; in the countries with two administrative levels, this would typically be the city, town, village, or other locality within which the relevant street address is found Free-form text, no newlines Cambridge Text
"address-level1" The broadest administrative level in the address, i.e. the province within which the locality is found; for example, in the US, this would be the state; in Switzerland it would be the canton; in the UK, the post town Free-form text, no newlines MA Text
"country" Country code Valid ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code [ISO3166] US Text
"country-name" Country name Free-form text, no newlines; derived from country in some cases US Text
"postal-code" Postal code, post code, ZIP code, CEDEX code (if CEDEX, append "CEDEX", and the arrondissement, if relevant, to the address-level2 field) Free-form text, no newlines 02139 Text
"cc-name" Full name as given on the payment instrument Free-form text, no newlines Tim Berners-Lee Text
"cc-given-name" Given name as given on the payment instrument (in some Western cultures, also known as the first name) Free-form text, no newlines Tim Text
"cc-additional-name" Additional names given on the payment instrument (in some Western cultures, also known as middle names, forenames other than the first name) Free-form text, no newlines Text
"cc-family-name" Family name given on the payment instrument (in some Western cultures, also known as the last name or surname) Free-form text, no newlines Berners-Lee Text
"cc-number" Code identifying the payment instrument (e.g. the credit card number) ASCII digits 4114360123456785 Text
"cc-exp" Expiration date of the payment instrument Valid month string 2014-12 Month
"cc-exp-month" Month component of the expiration date of the payment instrument Valid integer in the range 1..12 12 Numeric
"cc-exp-year" Year component of the expiration date of the payment instrument Valid integer greater than zero 2014 Numeric
"cc-csc" Security code for the payment instrument (also known as the card security code (CSC), card validation code (CVC), card verification value (CVV), signature panel code (SPC), credit card ID (CCID), etc) ASCII digits 419 Text
"cc-type" Type of payment instrument Free-form text, no newlines Visa Text
"transaction-currency" The currency that the user would prefer the transaction to use ISO 4217 currency code [ISO4217] GBP Text
"transaction-amount" The amount that the user would like for the transaction (e.g. when entering a bid or sale price) Valid floating-point number 401.00 Numeric
"language" Preferred language Valid BCP 47 language tag [BCP47] en Text
"bday" Birthday Valid date string 1955-06-08 Date
"bday-day" Day component of birthday Valid integer in the range 1..31 8 Numeric
"bday-month" Month component of birthday Valid integer in the range 1..12 6 Numeric
"bday-year" Year component of birthday Valid integer greater than zero 1955 Numeric
"sex" Gender identity (e.g. Female, Fa'afafine) Free-form text, no newlines Male Text
"url" Home page or other Web page corresponding to the company, person, address, or contact information in the other fields associated with this field Valid URL URL
"photo" Photograph, icon, or other image corresponding to the company, person, address, or contact information in the other fields associated with this field Valid URL URL
"tel" Full telephone number, including country code ASCII digits and U+0020 SPACE characters, prefixed by a U+002B PLUS SIGN character (+) +1 617 253 5702 Tel
"tel-country-code" Country code component of the telephone number ASCII digits prefixed by a U+002B PLUS SIGN character (+) +1 Text
"tel-national" Telephone number without the county code component, with a country-internal prefix applied if applicable ASCII digits and U+0020 SPACE characters 617 253 5702 Text
"tel-area-code" Area code component of the telephone number, with a country-internal prefix applied if applicable ASCII digits 617 Text
"tel-local" Telephone number without the country code and area code components ASCII digits 2535702 Text
"tel-local-prefix" First part of the component of the telephone number that follows the area code, when that component is split into two components ASCII digits 253 Text
"tel-local-suffix" Second part of the component of the telephone number that follows the area code, when that component is split into two components ASCII digits 5702 Text
"tel-extension" Telephone number internal extension code ASCII digits 1000 Text
"email" E-mail address Valid e-mail address E-mail
"impp" URL representing an instant messaging protocol endpoint (for example, "aim:goim?screenname=example" or "") Valid URL irc://,isuser URL

Mobile Friendly

In order to maximize usabiility for mobile devices, ensure to use proper input types, attributes, and keybord types. Listed below, are a few resources to help guide your decisions regarding form inputs.

In a recent study, the Baymard Institute revealed that 54% of mobile sites fail to invoke optimized touch keyboards for either phone, ZIP code, or credit card form fields. And even among the sites that do invoke these special touch keyboards, 25% fail to do so consistently throughout their checkout flow.

Form Layouts

Form elements in Foundation are styled based on their type attribute rather than a class. Inputs in Foundation have another major advantage - they are full width by default. That means that inputs will run as wide as the column that contains them. However, you have two options which make these forms extremely versatile:

  • You can size inputs using column sizes, like .medium-6, .small-6.
  • You can create row elements inside your form and use columns for the form, including inputs, labels and more. Rows inside a form inherit some special padding to even up input spacing.

Form Elements

A form should be marked up using its default HTML properties. The ones we make use of include (in hierarchical order):

  • Form
  • Label
  • Input, Select, Checkbox, Radio, Text Area
  • Form Error
  • Button

Text Inputs

These input types create a text field: text, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, search, tel, time, url, and week.

<div class="medium-6 columns">
        <p>Input Label</p>
        <input type="text" placeholder=".medium-6.columns">
<div class="medium-6 columns">
        <p>Input Label</p>
        <input type="text" placeholder=".medium-6.columns">

Number Inputs

In most desktop browsers, <input type="number"> elements will have up/down controls inside them, which increment and decrement the number inside the field.

<div class="medium-2 columns end">
      <input type="number" value="15">

Text Area

Using the <textarea> element will create a resizable multi-line text field.

  <textarea placeholder="Enter comments, feedback, etc here..."></textarea>

Select Menu

Use the <select> element to group multiple options together in a dropdown menu. The default select menu allows for only one option to be selected.

To select a default option to show, use the selected attribute for the option you wish to dislpay.
    <p>Select an Option:</p>
        <option value="option1">Option #1</option>
        <option value="option2">Option #2</option>
        <option value="option3" selected>Option #3</option>
        <option value="option4">Option #4</option>

Multiple Select Menu

Add the multiple attribute to the <select> element to allow for multiple selections.

To select multiple options, hold Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) and click on desired selections.
    <p>Select an Option:</p>
    <select multiple>
        <option value="option1">Option #1</option>
        <option value="option2">Option #2</option>
        <option value="option3" selected>Option #3</option>
        <option value="option4">Option #4</option>

Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

Use groups of checkboxes when the user may select multiple choices from a list, and use radio buttons when the user must select just one choice.

Use the <fieldset> element to wrap a group of checkboxes or radio button. Then give the group a common label by using the <legend> element. Each individual control should also have its own label, created using the standard <label> element.

<div class="column row">
    <fieldset class="large-5 columns fieldset">
        <legend>Checkbox Field Set</legend>

        <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option1" id="checkbox-option1" checked>
        <label class="middle" for="checkbox-option1">Option #1</label>

        <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option2" id="checkbox-option2">
        <label class="middle" for="checkbox-option2">Option #2</label>

        <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option3" id="checkbox-option3" checked>
        <label class="middle" for="checkbox-option3">Option #3</label>
    <fieldset class="large-5 columns fieldset">
        <legend>Radio Button Field Set</legend>

        <input name="radio-options" id="radio-option1" type="radio" value="radio1">
        <label class="middle" for="radio-option1">Radio #1</label>

        <input name="radio-options" id="radio-option2" type="radio" value="radio2" checked>
        <label class="middle" for="radio-option2">Radio #2</label>

        <input name="radio-options" id="radio-option3" type="radio" value="radio3">
        <label class="middle" for="radio-option3">Radio #3</label>
Checkbox Field Set
Radio Button Field Set

Input Groups

To group inputs and buttons or extra text together, wrap them in an .input-group container and use the following classes as appropriate.

  • .input-group-label for a text label
  • .input-group-field for a text field
  • .input-group-button for an input button
<div class="input-group">
    <span class="input-group-label">.input-group-label</span>
    <input class="input-group-field" type="text" placeholder=".input-group-field">
    <div class="input-group-button">
        <input type="submit" class="small button" value=".input-group-button"><!-- button must be placed inside .input-group-button wrapper element -->

Helper Text

Place help text below a field to clarify it's purpose or to specify requirments for inputs such as passwords.

When you use the .help-text class you must give the element a unique ID. Then add the attribute aria-describedby to the input, and set it equal to the ID of the element with the .help-text class.
    <input type="password" aria-describedby="exampleHelpText">
<p class="help-text" id="exampleHelpText">Passwords must have at least 10 characters, a number, and a special character.</p>

Passwords must have at least 10 characters, a number, and a special character.

Form Errors

Custom form errors can be created by using the following attributes/elements:

  • Add data-abide and novalidate attributes to the <form> element.
  • Add a full-width <div class="row"> wrapper element after the initial <form> element.
  • Add a <div> element inside the above wrapper and add the data-abide-error attribute and the .alert and .callout classes.
  • Place your error text inside a <p> element within the above <div data-abide-error class="alert callout"> element.
Be sure to set the data-abide-error wrapper element to style="display: none;".

For any required inputs (or inputs that have a pre-defined expression) that are not properly met, the form will throw an error based on your defined parameters set above.

To highlight specific input field errors, place a <span> with the .form-error class directly below the input field and define the error message.

<form data-abide novalidate>
    <div class="column row">
        <!-- begin  Form error notification  -->
        <div data-abide-error class="alert callout" style="display: none;"><!-- Important to set display:none or error will be displayed initially -->
            <p><i class="azp azp_error-warning"></i>&nbsp;Please correct the following errors:</p><!-- add custom error message here -->
        </div><!-- end  Form error notification  -->
    <div class="column row">
        <label class="required"><!-- adds a red asterik after the label to denote a "required" class -->
            <p>Sample Form Error Input:</p>
            <input type="text" required placeholder="Submit the form to reveal the form errors...">
            <span class="form-error">This is a required field.</span><!-- add custom input error text here -->
    <div class="column row">
        <div class="button-group">
            <input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit Form">
            <input type="reset" class="hollow button" value="Reset">

Form Example

<form data-abide novalidate style="margin-top: 2em;">
    <div class="column row">
        <!-- begin  Form error notification  -->
        <div data-abide-error class="columns alert callout" style="display: none;">
            <p><i class="azp azp_error-warning"></i>&nbsp; Please correct the following errors:</p>
        </div><!-- end  Form error notification  -->
    <div class="small-12 columns"  style="background-color: #f8f8f8; padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem;">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="medium-4 columns">
                <label class="required"><p>First Name</p>
                    <input type="text" placeholder="Frank" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="given-name" required>
                    <span class="form-error">First Name is a required field.</span><!-- Input error notification  -->
            <div class="medium-4 columns">
                <label class="required"><p>Last Name</p>
                    <input type="text" placeholder="Sinatra" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="family-name" required>
                    <span class="form-error">Last Name is a required field.</span><!-- Input error notification  -->
            <div class="medium-4 columns">
                <label class="required"><p>Phone</p>
                    <input id="phone" type="tel" placeholder="901-123-4567" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="tel" required>
                    <span class="form-error">Please enter a valid Phone Number.</span><!-- Input error notification  -->
                    <p class="help-text" id="phoneHelpText"><em>Custom Helper Text goes here.</em></p>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="medium-6 columns">
                        <option value="" selected>Select an option</option>
                        <option value="AL">Shop Manager</option>
                        <option value="AK">Technician</option>
                        <option value="AZ">Buyer</option>
                        <option value="AR">Buyer</option>
                        <option value="CA">Administration</option>
                        <option value="CO">Other</option>
            <div class="medium-6 columns">
                <label><p>Email Address</p>
                    <input type="email" placeholder="" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="email">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="columns">
                <fieldset class="large-5 columns fieldset">
                    <legend>Checkbox Field Set</legend>

                    <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option1" id="ex-checkbox-option1" checked>
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-checkbox-option1">Option #1</label>

                    <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option2" id="ex-checkbox-option2">
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-checkbox-option2">Option #2</label>

                    <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="option3" id="ex-checkbox-option3" checked>
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-checkbox-option3">Option #3</label>

                <fieldset class="large-5 columns fieldset">
                    <legend>Radio Button Field Set</legend>

                    <input name="ex-radio-options" id="ex-radio-option1" type="radio" value="radio1">
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-radio-option1">Radio #1</label>

                    <input name="ex-radio-options" id="ex-radio-option2" type="radio" value="radio2" checked>
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-radio-option2">Radio #2</label>

                    <input name="ex-radio-options" id="ex-radio-option3" type="radio" value="radio3">
                    <label class="middle" for="ex-radio-option3">Radio #3</label>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="columns">
                <label><p>Comments Section</p>
                    <textarea placeholder="Enter comments here..."></textarea>
        <div class="row">
            <fieldset class="medium-5 medium-offset-7 columns">
                <div class="expanded button-group">
                    <button class="button" type="submit" value="Submit Form">Submit</button>
                    <button class="hollow button" type="reset" value="Reset Form">Reset</button>
Checkbox Field Set:
Radio Button Field Set:


Following the Atomin Design standards, we have created partials or modules that represent a group of commonly-used components that can be easily added to any page by using Handlebars markdown code {{> example-partial}}.

  1. Module - Persistent Navigation
  2. Module - Main Navigation
  3. Module - Sidebar Navigation
  4. Module - Off-Canvas Navigation
  5. Module - Footer
  6. Module - Graphics / Assets
  7. Module - Breadcrumb
  8. Module - Headers
  9. Module - Tables
  10. Module - Accordions
  11. Module - Product Row
  12. Module - Modals
  13. Module - Callouts
  14. Module - Filters


Templates represent commonly-used page layouts built with the above modules. Templates only display the structure and layout of the page and do not contain any content.

  1. Content + Sidebar (left)
  2. Content + Sidebar (right)
  3. Single Section (short) + Sidebar
  4. Single Section (long) + Sidebar
  5. Search - Results Page
  6. Search - Interchange Results Page
  7. Search - Category Page
  8. Search - Shelf Page
  9. Search - Product Details Page
  10. Landing - Marketing/Promo
  11. Landing - Product Showcase

Example Pages

Example Pages build on the above templates and include content to show actual data usage, and how the page will respond to different types of content.

  1. Shelf Page
  2. Category Page
  3. Product Details Page
  4. Content + Sidebar (left)
  5. Content (has-sec-nav) + Sidebar (left)
  6. Landing - Marketing/Promo
  7. Landing - Product Showcase
  8. Request Access